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What we do

What We Do at Evergreen Family Chiropractic

At Evergreen Family Chiropractic, we provide expert care to ease pain, improve mobility, and enhance overall wellness. Our experienced chiropractors use a holistic approach to directly address the root causes of discomfort and injuries. Our services, tailored to individual needs, range from manual adjustments to therapeutic exercises. We treat various conditions like back pain, neck pain, and sports injuries, aiming for optimal health with non-invasive methods. Whether recovering or seeking better wellness, we're here to support your health journey.

  • Neck Pain/Text Neck: In today’s digital age, prolonged device use can lead to strain and discomfort. We offer targeted treatments to alleviate neck pain and correct posture-related issues, commonly referred to as "Text Neck."

  • Neck and Shoulder Pain/Turtle Neck Syndrome: Our chiropractic techniques are effective in treating neck and shoulder pain, often caused by poor posture and modern sedentary lifestyles, leading to what is commonly known as "Turtle Neck Syndrome."

  • Back Pain: From acute injuries to chronic conditions, our chiropractic care aims to address the root causes of back pain, enhancing your spine's health and functionality.

  • Shoulder Pain and Frozen Shoulder: We provide comprehensive care for shoulder pain, including conditions like frozen shoulder, improving mobility and reducing discomfort.

  • Car Accident Injuries: Injuries from car accidents can range from whiplash and back pain to more complex musculoskeletal issues. Our clinic specializes in diagnosing and treating these injuries, using chiropractic adjustments and therapy to aid in recovery and reduce pain.

  • Personal Injury: Personal injuries can occur from a variety of incidents outside of auto accidents, such as falls, sports injuries, and workplace accidents. Our targeted chiropractic care is designed to address the unique challenges of each personal injury, helping to alleviate pain, restore function, and improve overall well-being.

  • Sciatica: Sciatica can be debilitating, but our non-invasive treatments focus on relieving nerve pressure and pain, restoring your mobility and quality of life.

  • Knee Pain: Whether it’s due to injury or wear and tear, our personalized care plans are designed to alleviate knee pain and support joint health.

  • Ankle Sprain/Strain: Our chiropractic care extends to treating ankle injuries, helping you recover from sprains and strains effectively.

  • Plantar Fasciitis: Experience relief from the stabbing pain of plantar fasciitis with our targeted treatment strategies, aimed at reducing inflammation and improving foot health.

  • Golfer’s or Tennis Elbow: Specialized chiropractic care can alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with repetitive sports injuries like golfer’s or tennis elbow.

  • Headaches: Our natural, non-invasive approach to headache relief can reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches, addressing their root cause.

  • Sports-Related Injuries: We are committed to helping athletes of all levels recover from sports-related injuries, enhancing performance and preventing future injuries.


Our Pediatric Care

At Evergreen Family Chiropractic, our Kids Clinic is dedicated to nurturing the health and well-being of our younger patients. Understanding the unique needs of children and adolescents, we offer specialized chiropractic care that supports healthy growth, development, and active lifestyles. Our comprehensive approach addresses a range of pediatric concerns:

  • Bad Posture Related Pain/Posture Correction: In the digital age, children are increasingly susceptible to poor posture from early use of technology and sedentary habits. Our targeted treatments focus on alleviating pain caused by bad posture and implementing effective correction techniques to promote healthy spinal alignment and posture habits that will last a lifetime.

  • Bone Age and Growth Plate Exam: Monitoring the bone age and the status of growth plates is crucial in assessing a child’s developmental progress. Our clinic utilizes safe and non-invasive methods to examine these key growth indicators, ensuring that your child’s development is on the right track. This examination aids in identifying potential growth-related issues early, allowing for timely interventions.

  • Youth Sports Injury: Active children and youth athletes are prone to sports-related injuries that can impact their performance and development. Our clinic specializes in treating and preventing sports injuries, helping young athletes recover fully and safely. From sprains and strains to more complex injuries, we provide personalized care plans that support optimal healing and help prevent future injuries, enabling young athletes to return to their sports with confidence and strength.

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